Year twenty twenty -will be remembered

Nobody thought that the sunset of 31st December 2019 will sunrise a peculiar year. Every living being welcomed the year 2020 with spread arms, happy eyes, joyful heart and with unwavering faith in mind. By the way, I have no enmity with 2020. We are alive; breathing in, can there be more happiness than this? Don't know why this year has changed the life of beings like this. Life has changed to 360*. Sometimes we are compelled to think that its completion will be normal or will be remembered?? This year is becoming a formidable crisis for humanity. We have reached the moon, have achieved many successes, but today we fell behind with our own thinking. While on one side humanity is ending from the heart of the people, on the other hand, nature is moving towards the end of humans with resoluteness... In the year twenty-twenty, life seems to be a risky business. In which loss and gain belongs to us humans. It's a challenging year on a Physical, Economic and Mental S...