Embrace self love

Let's welcome the new year(2021) with the resolution~ "that we will work on ourselves and learn to embrace self love!" Self Love is about improving yourself and becoming better version of yourself. It rests on maintaining the balance of Mind - Body - Soul . When we love someone our love is unconditional, having no bounds. But, when it comes to loving ourself we got emotionally messed up followed by number of things. Stop self criticizing yourself. People will be pleased with you only when you are pleased with yourself. Loving yourself is Life's real treasure . The moment we accept our vulnerability, everything is easy going. Self care and self introspection are integral parts of self love. Remember, the grass always looks greener on the other side unless, you change the way of life and start working more on your part. So, realize your true identity and live life in your sincere form. "Just be, and enjoy being." Eckhart Tolle Be good to yourself!!💖 With...