Food is for life; not life.

"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." Eat.. Pray.. Love Compromising on taste and choosing health before taste is a task for Indians. There is hardly anyone who has not dived into the sea of tatse. Having delicious food is not wrong, but compromising health for taste is very wrong. Eat Everything, but in Moderation!! We have heard hundreds of times that-"Health is the real Wealth." ....but when will we realize its importance. Health should be the first priority for all. We are more fortunate that nature has blessed us with many precious herbs and unique spices. One can improve health by using them. Include strengthening and fresh food in your daily Indian platter. Eat natural food as far as possible. Pick healthy living food from the treasure of taste. Our lifestyle is an important contributor to our health. Limitless habit of munching unhealthy food gives us the boon of obesity, hypertension and many such alarming diseases. Food gives li...