Virtue Of Living
Life is meant to be lived with Virtue. Live a virtuous life in an unvirtuous world.
Stop complaining and explaining... that's how you can make life goal-centered instead of people-centered.
Some changes are painful, but necessary for your own betterment. Real living is only when you think differently and live differently.
Set your principles high and moral standards higher than your stature.
!! Live Not Just Thrive !!
Develop a different personality by moving away from a regular one.
Always have an automatic button with you for the days when you're feeling low, having a bad day (........I mean automatically go silent).
In the same way, you can rekindle yourself and realize your full potential.
Slowly accept the fact that life doesn't always go the way we want it to, we have to make it happen and to make it happen.. we have to work for it.
Someone has rightly said that👉 "Life is a moving vehicle and our hard work is its fuel."
But maintaining balance is quite a tedious task.
In a world of eight billion people, be the one who makes a difference - live and act accordingly.
Spread your new wings shred the old ones. *Old is gold* - only songs sound good, not life.
Virtue teaches us that we should think, act, and speak based on moral principles, not based on what society tell us.
Honesty, Courage, Generosity, Disciplined life all these make life vibrant and develops an honourable and moral character.
Real virtue and beauty exist in acceptance.
Accept people... accept facts... then only you will be able to accept life.
Make the conscious choice, not just go with the flow.
With Love,
जिस प्रकार से तुमने हमारे अंधेरे जीवन में रोशनी का काम किया है,ठीक उसी प्रकार मैं भी तुम्हारे साथ दृढ़ता के साथ हमेसा खड़ा रहूंगा,मेरी जीवन संगिनी i love u very much